It has been fantastic that so many have engaged with us so far on the question of what Dignity and Worth is all about. Inevitably we have had some flack on social media, but that is entirely to be expected these days. We made some errors and we have apologised. At last we are on our way!
Dignity and Worth has this website and a closed Facebook group. The FB group is designated ‘secret’ not because we are hiding ourselves away or doing something devious. This FB setting is designed to allow people to be members without anything appearing on their own facebook profile. It is a reality in today’s Church, in the UK and worldwide, that many LGBTQI+ people and supporters live in fear of discrimination, exclusion or punishment. We want people to be able to register their support and be known to the other members of the group whilst not having to be totally open. We invite those in the group to respect this privacy whilst not being able to offer confidentiality.
We want more and more people to use this more open site as a place to share their news and work for real change in the British Methodist Church and beyond. In 2018, the Methodist Conference will hear the first report back from the Same-Sex Marriage Task Group set up in 2016. Dignity and Worth wants to empower people who want to make a real difference in Methodism at all levels. We are convinced that, whilst the decisions of the Conference are incredibly important, they are not the only way to bring change to the Connexion.
Too many in our Church and churches are waiting for a foolproof, risk-free, top-down process that will allow them to be more inclusive of LGBTQI+ people. They don’t really want to stand up for what they know to be right or Godly for fear of upsetting folk or having to defend what they believe. Better ‘The Connexion’ tell us and mandate something and then we can defend the change as ‘only following orders’. Sorry to be harsh, but I have been asked too many times for a way to do the right thing without a cost. We need to be brave and trust in a risk-taking God.
There will be lots of resources on this site and more info about getting involved and we need as many as possible to stand up and speak out. Join us, support us, stand with us!
So important for all of us to “come out” for LGBTQI+
Well done Sam. Every blessing. Ward
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